When the flower with the ugly sweater dances for 76 days straight
When the flower with the ugly sweater dances for 76 days straight
As the ’’’’’’leader””””” of the band, I’m gotta be completely honest here. You, BeepBoxClock were right, we were a incredibly dysfunctional band, I didn’t had the right equipment, you and PapoFuradoPA were arguing over the final product of the song, I almost had no idea what I was doing at one point, all of us were in different countries and different times, me being busy with my own private life, me and PapoFuradoPA weren’t even trying to help, and a lot bunch of other stuff was happening that couldn’t get us to make the true song we wanted to submit. I’m truly sorry that I brought you guys into this hell of a mess and I hope you can forgive me for it. This whole situation has made me think about “if I’m going to be a leader of an animated show, how am I supposed to do it knowing that this crap happened?” The making of this song really does suck and I’m sorry for it.
To sum it all up, I make you use your hands, eyes, ears, and mouth for you to enjoy my stuff, but probably not your nose.
An Internet Nutjob.
Simulation University
A Weird Web Simulation
Joined on 10/20/23